
There is a wide range of accommodations in the Tamarindo area to suit all budgets.

For the comfort of your stay we have selected accommodations within easy access to the dental clinic.  Whether you opt for a self catering apartment or a first class hotel you will benefit from our attractive selection of accommodations and special room rates.

Contact us or Call our Toll Free number 1-888-654-8862 and give us the time you want spend in Tamarindo and whether or not you want our assistance with air fare, accommodations and activities. We will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours for a first consultation in which we will answer your questions and concerns and  to discuss your dental needs.


North Pacific Dental is located in Tamarindo Beach, Costa Rica, at the Royal Palms Plaza, Toll Free number for Us and Canada 1-888-654-8862, CR Phone 2652-9016



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