Prevention is the key

Teeth and gums are vulnerable to wear, and it’s during your 50s and 60s that problems often start to show up.
Most of patients in this group have large fillings, and that’s where we often see cracked fillings or enamel, in patients over 50.
When a tooth is repaired, it’s never as strong as the original.


But with age, even unfilled teeth become vulnerable to cracks. And those are prime breeding grounds for bacteria. A Tooth loses almost 40% of its strength when the filling is on the biting surface plus a side.


The gum line, where tissue recedes with age, decay here can become serious quickly because it’s close to the tooth’s nerve, causing severe sensitivity to cold, hot, and sweets, If you don’t prevent or catch it early, you could need filling and a root canal.

gum recession

Call Us  if  you feel even a slight twinge. It may take an x-ray to pinpoint the crack, which can be smoothed or filled. Larger breaks often require a full crown or cap.
Prevent it: Your best defenses: brushing, flossing, and using a fluoride rinse.

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