The plaque in your mouth uses the sugars to make acid, and this acid makes cavities. 🍎🥦 🥕Try to choose foods that are low in sugars such as fruits and vegetables. ⏳Limit snacking to a short period of time, and make sure they brush or at least rinse with water, as this buffers the acidity. [...]
This dentures are an innovative tooth replacement option for patients with missing teeth. Made from flexible plastic, this denture can adapt to the constant movement and flexibility on your mouth, providing a more comfortable fit and aesthetics. For more information call +(506) 2652-9016 or email [email protected] Have a great day.
You don’t only prevent cavities in your teeth by keeping good oral hygiene, researchers at the University of Bergen have discovered a clear connection between gum disease and Alzheimer´s disease. The researchers have determined that gum disease (gingivitis) plays a decisive role in whether a person developes Alzheimer´s or not. The bacteria in gum disease [...]
Cervical caries develops in the neck of the tooth, one of the most vulnerable parts of the tooth site where the coronal part of the tooth makes connection with the gums. It starts as a rough white chalk zone, which generates that more plaque can adhere to this area, then go dark until it [...]
NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL WINS FOR SECOND YEAR IN A ROW, WHATCLINIC.COM AWARD FOR EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE North Pacific Dental, in Tamarindo has been recognised with an award for excellent customer service by healthcare search engine WhatClinic.com, based on feedback by customers over a twelve month period. The award is based on feedback from patients, and [...]
The All-on-4 treatment concept is a procedure that provides a permanent, screw-retained replacement for the entire upper and / or lower set of teeth with a bridge or denture. The procedure is best for patients with significant tooth loss or decay and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting [...]
FirstFit™ By ViaxDental, is as they promote it “Tomorrow’s Technology…today”, This minimally invasive treatment option is a removable appliance that fits perfectly over your existing teeth, to cosmetic enhance your smile (whiter smile, severe crowding, misalign teeth) or to be use a partial removable denture, or as a temporary for dental implants. This appliance is [...]
Anxiety disorders affect approximately one in six adult Americans, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. A new study by Tel Aviv University researchers, published recently in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, finds that anxiety experienced in social circumstances elevates the risk of bruxism — teeth grinding which causes tooth wear and fractures as [...]
NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL WINS WHATCLINIC.COM AWARD FOR EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE North Pacific Dental in Tamarindo Costa Rica, has been recognised with an award for excellent customer service by private healthcare search engine, WhatClinic.com, based on feedback by customers over a twelve month period. WhatClinic awarded the top clinics across the country with awards for excellent [...]
Teeth and gums are vulnerable to wear, and it’s during your 50s and 60s that problems often start to show up. Most of patients in this group have large fillings, and that’s where we often see cracked fillings or enamel, in patients over 50. When a tooth is repaired, it’s never as strong as the [...]